Zachęcamy do wspólnej nauki angielskiego w domu !!

30.03- 03.04 

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Mini lesson 1:
Mini Lesson 2:


Nowe materiały z języka angielskiego! Koniecznie proszę sprawdzić, co przygotowali dla Was lektorzy.

St. Patrick's Day

Vocabulary:  green, rainbow, pot, gold, Leprechaun, shamrock, hat, red hair, tiny, boots

The colours of a rainbow

Songs and poems

I'm a little Leprechaun dressed in green

the tiniest man that you have seen

If you ever catch me so it's told

I'll give you my big pot of gold.

I'm a little Leprechaun imagine that

with my little green boots and my big green hat.

At the end of the rainbow so it's told

you will find my pot of gold.

*   *   *

Dance, dance, Leprechaun dance, do a dance for me

Bow, bow, Leprechaun bow, do a bow for me

Bow to your left and bow to your right

Clap, clap, Leprechaun clap, do a clap for me

Jump, jump, Leprechaun jump, do a jump for me

Jump to your left and jump to your right

Dance, dance, Leprechaun dance, do a dance for me.

*   *   *

There were 10 Leprechauns in the bed and a little one said: "Roll over,  roll over"

so they all rolled over and 1 fell off

There were 9 Leprechauns in the bed and a little one said: "Roll over, roll over"

so they all rolled over and 1 fell off

There were 8......

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Red and orange and yellow and green, blue and purple too

I can sing a rainbow with you

Look with your eyes, listen with your ears and sing everything you see

You can sing a rainbow, sing along with me.

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Have you ever seen a Leprechaun - song

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Mistery of the green Leprechaun - story

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Pot of gold - classic tale

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Craft projects ideas


Spring is coming

Vocabulary: meadow, stork, frog, butterfly, sun, flower, bird, log, pool

Songs and poems

There is a meadow, meadow, meadow

and in this meadow I can see

A butterfly, a stork and a frog

and they are jumping hop, hop, hop

*   *   *

The sun, sun, sun is hot, hot, hot

I like the sun a lot, lot, lot

I have, have, have a hat, hat, hat

for the sun, sun, sun like that, that, that.

*   *   *

Two little pretty birds sitting on the wall

One named Peter, one named Paul

Fly away Peter, fly away Paul

come back Peter, come back Paul.

*   *   *

Five little speckled frogs sat on a speckled log

eating the most delicious bags yum, yum, yum

One jumped into the pool where was so nice and cool

now there were four more speckled frogs glab, glab, glab.

Links :

Spring colouring pages and spring puzzles and crosswords